
Showing posts from July 26, 2013

How to Add Facebook Follow Button on Blogger

Facebook Follow Button helps you increase your audience and share your feelings with them. Thus your followers could understand you. When you have 5000 Facebook Friends, you are unable then to add any other friend. It means that you can have only 5000 friends. But Followers could be millions in number. There is no limit to get followers on Facebook. You followers could see whatever you share or your update your status but you cannot see their activities. However, if you have a great number of followers, you can then have a great number of visitors from Facebook. Adding Facebook Followers Button on Blogger Like Adding Facebook Like Box , same is the procedure of adding Share Button on Blogger. However, there is a very tiny difference in them. For adding Facebook Follow Button, follow the statements below: Go to Developer Facebook The following Box appears. Add your Facebook URL. Now click on “Get the Code” The following Box appears. Copy Code-1 which i...

How to Add Facebook Like Box on Blogger

Facebook Like Box is one of the most important social plugins. Facebook is one of the highest PR websites. It is 2 nd with regards "PR" this time. With a massive traffic across the world, Facebook has been popular for many years. Facebook helps you to drag a massive traffic from your Facebook Fan Page. Imagine that you have a Facebook Page having more than one billion likes. Now, when you share anything on your page, how many fans will land on your site? It is amazing